Disclaimer: Cockatoos are typically not suited for people without large bird experience.


  • LEO

    Leo is a 19 year old male Umbrella Cockatoo. He can be a real fun time if you know how to handle big, boisterous birdies. Leo is not a beginner bird… In general, male cockatoos tend to be very noisy, loud, destructive, nippy, and unpredictable. Leo is no exception to this, as he is quite sensitive to emotion and will turn on a dime if you don’t read him properly. An experienced person can provide him with the attention he requires, and will be rewarded with a lifetime of snuggles. He has been through many homes and is looking for an experienced home who can work with him and tolerate his noise. His feathers likely won’t return, but we don’t care what he looks like. He has a lot of love to give. Leo needs someone seriously committed and devoted.


    Sammy is a male Citron around 44 years old. Of the history we know, he was a breeder bird strictly for a lot of his life, never being handled. in 2010, he was only handleable with welding gloves. He is at the point where he will sit on the shoulder of someone he trusts, if they have his yellow towel. He doesn’t like hands but is now showing some willingness to be pet, with adequate signaling. He will do best in a home with only a few other birds.


    Oscar is a 50+ year old male Moluccan.



  • ZEKE

    Zeke is a 26 year old male Goffin’s cockatoo. He has shown some interest in women and is reported to hate men. He has plenty of tricks up his sleeve, so don’t let his cute face fool you. He’s a clown who likes to talk and fly around. Zeke is curious about birds so we think he would do okay under very close supervision. He totally loves to snuggle once he’s used to you, but has zero boundaries and is known to scream until he gets his way. Because of this and his aggression towards men, we’re careful about where we will place him.



    Snowy is a 29 year old male Umbrella. He is a handful of fun, enjoying to yell and stomp around his cage. He does accept pets pretty readily, but is still unsure about stepping up. He’s unpredictable like most male cockatoos so will need a confident handler. Snowy can be pretty fast to land a warning nip. If he decides he likes you, he’s snuggly and friendly. The rescue environment has made it hard for Snowy to make friends. There is so much excitement going on and he can’t help himself with getting into trouble! We do believe he will make a really fun companion but needs plenty of time outside of here to really get where he needs to be. He may not become snuggly until after he’s comfortable.


  • MAX

    Max is a 19 year old male Lesser-sulfur. He is dangerous around men, and difficult around women. He will need a home with no other animals, a single woman who is very skilled around cockatoos, and the understanding that he may never be safe to handle regularly. All of the warnings aside, he is a ton of fun and super cute. He will accept pets in exchange for a cheese-it cracker.


    Teegan is a 42 year old male Triton, making him a senior bird. You would never know it, because he is filled with tricks and antics. Don’t let his face fool you, he is one of the most difficult birds we’ve had here. He is fast, unpredictable, and bites for fun. Teegan is not for the faint of heart but will surely liven up your life! He will need a male handler ONLY with extensive cockatoo experience.